Monday, January 7, 2013


Check out this awesome giveaway!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

This December

The weather here has been so bipolar. As I write this the sun is shining and it's a pleasant 45* outside. Not too bad for December in Maine.
A couple weeks ago I really wanted to do a fun family shoot with an old friend from high school but it snowed the day we had planned and I didn't want to travel too far from home getting so late in pregnancy. So here we are, lovely weather and I'm full term.
I took my son outside to play this morning and we had some fun exploring what the yard had to offer. Experiencing the season changes has been neat with him because he is quite in tune to what's around him. Here are some shots from the past couple weeks, just enjoying nature.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

C+N Engagement

Here are some of my favorite shots from my sister's engagement session...  

These two are definitely goofy!

Pinterest inspired!!


I wanted to create a quick little site that I could use to connect with my clients, share some stories, and maybe network with other photographers.
Behold, my little photography blog!

Here are some shots from my most recent session...
Two little cousins hanging out at a local farm here in Maine.